Free Tibet ?!?! Free violence !!!

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  1. YESHE

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    We have for some years now been reporting upon the reality that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is actively engaged in a process of surrendering Tibet’s right to nationhood and independence. Some have sought to argue that the CTA is committed to freedom for Tibet and insisted that particular term is synonymous with independence, a claim we have challenged and exposed SEE HERE
    The two words have distinct meanings indeed and Lobsang Sangay and his Administration use the phrase ‘freedom’ to mean something very different to Tibetan political and territorial sovereignty. When the CTA talks of supporting ‘freedom’ it most surely is not doing so in support the struggle being so bravely waged by Tibetans in occupied Tibet. Who, unlike the comfortable situation enjoyed by the elite cabal headed by Doctor Sangay, face China’s tyrannical regime to demand Tibetan independence. No! what the Central Tibetan Administration means to convey, via its frequent deployment of the word ‘freedom’ is an acceptance of Chinese rule. A so-called autonomy under Chinese rule. in other words what in reality would simply be an enslavement, albeit with the chains gold-painted!
    Such is the inane policy and objective of Doctor Lobsang Sangay and the CTA, which ignores the common political aspiration of Tibet’s people, the majority of whom, as recognized for a long time by the Dalai Lama, seek nothing less than full independence. Yet China’s ever suspicious and paranoid regime has consistently rejected this political suicide note from the CTA, ironically as a disguised bid for independence (stifles laugh at that point) Now despite China’s emphatic and repeated rejection to this so-called Middle Way proposal, which was publicly acknowledged as having failed by no less than the Dalai Lama during a US television show) SEE HERE
    the CTA continues with this fossilized and failed strategy.
    Here comes the science part. In a desperate attempt to dispossess China’s regime of its skepticism Doctor Sangay and the CTA have banished any mention of that ever so dirty word ‘independence; this is precisely why it uses the term ‘freedom’. A phrase more nebulous, with a variety of meanings in terms of politics and international law, including of course the very condition being sought after by the CTA, namely some version of autonomy. So fearful is the Central Tibetan Administration of the word independence that the following was issued on April 8, translated into English from SEE HERE
    Important Circular dated April 8, 2013 from Gadhen Phodrang (Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) based in India on Clarification on the word “Freedom” – both in Tibetan and English language.

    Clarification on the word “Freedom”
    It has been brought to our attention that during the recently concluded 5th session of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile at Dharamsala (March 16-18, 2013) one of the Honorable Parliamentarians made a statement in which he referred to His Holiness having composed prayers requesting the Tibetan spiritual protectors’ assistance in achieving “freedom” for the long suffering Tibetan people. The honorable parliamentarian (Chthui) then chose to reinterpret the word “freedom” as really meaning “independence” which, he asserted, was also what His Holiness meant,This is an unjustified assertion.
    We also understand that at that time the Honorable Speaker of the Parliament questioned the assertion and made a clarification. Although most people will not be misled by this mistaken assertion, we would like to make it clear that when His Holiness wrote about “freedom” for the long suffering Tibetan people, freedom is what he meant. We trust there is no room for further misinterpretation.
    For the record, we therefore issue the following clarification:
    The terms “freedom” (rang-wang) and “independence” (rang-tsan) are two separate words with quite different meaning. In his writings, His Holiness has consistently used the word, “freedom”.His Holiness’ thoughts were clear in his prayer to the protector known as Gadong (15 July, 1999), when he wrote:
    (Following) the path of non-violence is the way to live together in love and harmony;
    The Middle Way Approach, which avoids the two extremes, is mutually beneficial.
    Gather all your power and might to fulfill these means:
    For creating a peaceful land without (resort to) frightful weapons.
    Dated: 8 April, 2013.
    Editor’s note: On previous occasions certain statements have curiously disappeared from the internet, so we are happy to advise the Central Tibetan Administration that we have archived copies of the statement above in Tibetan and English. To avoid any potential confusion or misunderstanding.-

    PostsImage courtesy of @anonymoustibet
    on Twitter are reporting that today Anonymous has crashed a propaganda website, that covers Amdo (and parts of Kham) region of Eastern Tibet, run by China’s regime. According to hacktivists @anonriddler, who broke news of this latest action, the site was disabled around 05.00 AM PDT. This has been struck a number of times and no doubt China’s authorities will be desperately trying to restore their disinformation portal. Many thanks to @anonymoustibet for sharing news of this.

    8 aprile 2013 · 19:36
    Nuova vittima per influenza aviaria H7N9, sono 7. Sale a 24 numero contagiati
    E’ arrivato a 24 il numero totale dei casi di influenza aviaria del nuovo ceppo H7N9 in Cina, di cui sette morti. L’ultimo decesso, secondo quanto è stato confermato oggi dalle autorità cinesi, è avvenuto ieri sera intorno alle 18.45 a Shanghai. Si tratta di un uomo di 64 anni. Non si sa ancora come l’uomo abbia contratto il virus e se sia o meno stato a contatto con volatili infetti. E intanto sempre oggi si è appreso di nuovi due casi confermati nella provincia orientale del Jiangsu; si tratta di un uomo di 85 anni che vive a Nanchino e di una giovane donna di 25 anni della città di Zhenjiang. Entrambi, secondo le informazioni disponibili, sarebbero in gravissime condizioni. Le autorità sanitarie sia a Shanghai che nella provincia del Jiangsu stanno tenendo sotto stretta osservazione tutte le persone che sono state a contatto con gli ammalati ma finora nessuno ha mostrato sintomi sospetti. Ed è Shanghai a contare fino a questo momento la maggior parte dei contagi con 11 casi, di cui cinque morti. Otto sono i casi verificatosi nel Jiangsu, tre nello Zhejiang (di cui due defunti) e due nell’Anhui. Sia le autorità cinesi che l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità rassicurano sul fatto che il contagio avviene solo con il contatto con animali, pollame o in genere volatili, infetti e non si trasmette tra umani.

    In Cina 30.000 cani uccisi a bastonate ogni giorno
    Trentamila cani uccisi a bastonate ogni giorno nei macelli in Cina, per la carne o per la pelliccia, per un giro d’affari di più di dieci milioni di euro l’anno. Lo afferma l’organizzazione internazionale Animal Equality riuscita ad infiltrarsi dove si produce carne di cane a Jiangmen e a Zhanjiang e ottenuto filmati “assolutamente inediti – affermano – che rivelano gli orrori quotidiani connessi al commercio di questo tipo di carne in Cina”. L’organizzazione parla di “animali terrorizzati, detenuti in condizioni terribili prima di essere percossi con mazze di legno, e uccisi a pugnalate sotto gli occhi dei loro simili che attendono la morte attoniti”. “Questo video è il peggiore, il più crudele e terribile che abbia mai visto”, ha commentato Bernard Rollin, docente di Scienze Animali e Scienze Biomediche presso la State University of Colorado, riporta l’associazione. Probabilmente – prosegue la nota – alcuni dei cani “sono stati rubati dalle case in cui abitavano, secondo un sondaggio realizzato dall’Ong Guo nel maggio 2011 visto che oltre l’80% delle famiglie a Jinan (Shandong) hanno denunciato il furto di un cane”. Mangiare carne di cane “é particolarmente popolare nel Nord-Est del Paese, al confine con la Corea, e nelle regioni meridionali, come Guizhou, Guandong e Guangxi – spiega l’organizzazione – L’unica zona dove è vietato il consumo di questo prodotto è Hong Kong, mentre al momento, in Cina, non sono presenti leggi nazionali a tutela degli animali”. Con questa indagine, presentata contemporaneamente in Gran Bretagna, Italia, Germania, Francia, Messico e India, Animal Equality lancia una campagna internazionale, in collaborazione con organizzazioni cinesi per i diritti animali, per porre fine alla pratica del commercio di carne di cane.
    fonte: ANSA

    India : China has asked India to investigate a tibetan monk
    Redazione - Lun, 08/04/2013 - 18:43
    In an unprecedented move, China has asked India to investigate a monk in Dharamsala for allegedly instigating two self-immolation protests in Tibet.Government sources in Delhi, however, denied having received any such request so far.But Tibetans living in New Delhi set their machinery in motion, traced the monk named in a Xinhua report and claimed he was too apolitical to have done such a thing.The extraordinary request from the Chinese authorities suggests a marked stepped-up of campaign by Beijing against self-immolation protests.The Chinese police last month sent a “co-investigation request to the police authorities” in India, according to Xinhua news agency.
    The Chinese authorities have accused the uncle of one of the monks, who resides in India, of “inculcating the idea of ‘Tibet independence’” and describing self-immolation “as a beautiful thing,” Xinhua said, naming the man as Tenpa Gyatso (32).
    The authorities say his 15-year-old nephew, Rinchen Tseli, set himself on fire and died on February 19 in Jamcha village. The same day, Sonam Dhargyal (16) also set himself on fire . Chinese officials, Xinhua said, have alleged that Mr. Gyatso encouraged the two boys to protest. “The Indian side will carve your name on the Monument to Self-immolators…. and pray for you,” officials alleged Mr. Gyatso told them.

    Tears of Tibet

    Event date: Wednesday 10 April 2013 from 15:00 to 17:00
    Location: BE BRUSSELS European Parliament PHS 4B001 (followed by a cocktail reception outside the room)
    In light of the ongoing self-immolations in Tibet, the number of which has now reached a tragic 104 (20 of them have been 18 years old or younger), we believe that the EU should have a stronger role in trying to solve the growing confrontation.
    Tensions between the local Tibetans and the Chinese state have increased since the Tibetan uprising against the Chinese rule in 2008. Up to now we have unfortunately not seen any significant signs that the Chinese state is looking to achieve a genuine peace settlement.
    The conference aims to review EP action for a peaceful solution and to discuss how to change the approach/strategy in order to help the Tibetan people. We will invite experts on Tibet who have also participated in the conference in previous years.
    Because ALDE has organized it for the past two years, we believe that the tradition should continue. From the feedback that we have received from different NGOs that represent Tibetan interest, this conference has had an enormous effect and upheld hope for a better future for the Tibetan communities.

    Kerry visiterà la Cina
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